Monday, December 28, 2009

Forex broker Reviews

Stealth Forex System is one such FX Trading Software that has given an impetus to almost each new trader on the block. People who just understand the basic concept of support and resistance are found to be hitting winning trades, generating greater pips per trade and working out profits on a smaller timeframe through the Forex Trading Software.

It is remarkable how the FX broker review does not ask for technical know-how or mental strength of the game. It does not work entirely on news releases either. All it does is guide us through its Forex broker review which gives us indicators and signals for trading. Stealth Forex broker Review helps us achieve far lesser drawdown and lets us effectively day trade through its stop loss indicators. Placing timely stop losses help minimize the losses greatly

The Stealth Forex broker review bestows us with precision trade entry and exit points. Now the downloaded board assigns us when to hit the mark, it further lets us know when to call it quits. Differentials over the board let us make up your mind on pushing in soft trades. This include sForex Scalping.

Here are some key points when looking for A Forex Broker Review

1. Available currency pairs - Each FX broker will have, at the minimum, the seven major currencies.

2. Transaction costs - The forex broker is paid based on the bid ask spread. There should be no other hidden charges or fees. If the spread is smaller, that means it is better for you. Pip spreads vary from broker to broker so do some competitive shopping.

3. Immediate execution of orders - You will need a broker who will be able to consistently execute your trade swiftly.

4. Margin requirement - If you want to have more leverage, choose a low margin requirement. You can use margin to your advantage to produce huge profits.

5. User-friendly trading platform - Before deciding to go with one particular broker, choose a few forex brokers and ask to sign up for a free demo account.

You would do well to trade with play money while you are deciding which broker and which program works best for you

International Energy Agency: oil

Oil is slippery, probably why the people associated with it are too. According to reports in the Guardian, a whistleblower at the IEA, no less, has claimed that the agency has been deliberately downplaying the shortage of oil for fear of panic buying. The whistleblower further reveals that it was the US which used its influence to nudge the agency to underplay the rate of decline of oil from the existing fields, not to mention asking it to overplay the chances of finding new reserves.

The revelation couldn't have preferred a better timing-just on the eve of the release of the World Energy Outlook. The IEA was established thirty five years ago in 1974 as a quasi-political body to prevent another oil crisis, track and study the global oil market and safeguard oil supplies to the west. They publish the World Energy Outlook every year, on demand and supply of oil used by many governments for their energy and climate change policies. Last year, the World Economic Outlook asserted that oil production could be raised from 83mb/d barrels at present to 105 mb/d by 2030. It mentioned that about two-thirds of this would come from fields 'yet to be found or developed'. The new report released this year echoes last year's figures; in the reference scenario it projects a recovery in 2010 reaching 88 mb/d in 2015 and 105 mb/d in 2030 'with enough investments

Sunday, December 27, 2009


LEVERAGE: When you trade in the FX market, a small margin deposit can allow you to control a much larger total contract value. Leverage gives the trader the ability to make very nice profits and at the same time keep the risk of losing your cash to a minimum.
LIQUIDITY: Because the Forex Market is so very large, it is normally very easy to sell and turn your trade to cash. This means that by clicking your mouse you can quickly buy and sell.

PROFIT IN BOTH 'RISING' AND 'FALLING' MARKETS: One of the most exciting advantages of the Forex market is the ability to generate profits whether a currency pair rising or falling.

24HRS: From Sunday evening to Friday Afternoon EST the Forex market is open for business.
DEMO ACCOUNTS: These are available so you can practice without the chance of losing any capital.

In FX Trading, there is a bid price and an ask price, and the difference of the two is called the spread. The bid is the price at which buyers are willing to buy, and the ask is the price that sellers are willing to sell at any particular time.